The Moslem that Christians prefer


I’m in Jos today, connecting with my mentor and seeking Abba’s direction on various life issues. This city is currently on high alert as religious, political and ethnically motivated violence has claimed many lives in the past few weeks. If this uneasy calm persists, a State of Jos could become another adage for uncertainty or alertness of mind and spirit in Nigeria. This city has seen war and most dwellers seem to have unconsciously acquired a war-time mentality.

Islam seems to be experiencing a revival in many parts of the world. Many Moslem youth now take pride in professing their faith with their implicit dress codes and public declarations. This is unsettling their non-Moslem neighbors who consciously or unconsciously define Moslems as terrorists.

What kind of Moslem will you be comfortable with as a Christian? Is he one that doesn’t pray five times daily? One that never questions the truth you proclaim as a follower of Jesus (Prophet Issa)? Is it one that does not feel non-Moslems are infidels? Is he one that publicly condemns the use of arms as legitimate tools for religious expression? One that feels it’s wrong and evil to marry a 13yr old girl? One that believes suicide bombers will go to hell fire? One that feels it’s okay for their children to attend your Sunday school services? One that willingly attends church services and house fellowships because they feel it’s a gathering of good neighbors?

Such Moslems, if they exist, will most certainly be well liked by their Christian neighbors. He’s not a threat to their comfort and peace in any way. But, is he really a Moslem by the standards set out in the Qur’an? I think not.

Hate and intolerance for non conformists to the Islamic faith are necessary ingredients for the advancement of the teachings of Prophet Mohammed. History has shown this to be true. We are currently witnessing an upsurge in violence against Christians in Moslem dominated regions the world over. Should we as Christians be surprised? Certainly not! We have the unique privilege of prophecy that warns us to expect these.

The Lord Jesus Christ was opposed at His home in Nazareth, along the way in Samaria and was finally killed in Jerusalem. He promised His followers to expect similar treatment. Eventually, their persistence prevailed as the gospel spread from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria unto the then Gentile world.

By His life, Jesus revealed how His radically new Kingdom order is effectuated through redemptive suffering love, supremely revealed in His crucifixion and eventual resurrection. What a cosmic harmony— Jesus’ life and the total commitment to love, even one’s enemies! But one cannot live that way without suffering. This is the issue. Are we willing to suffer on account of the cross of Christ in the hands of people who reject the Lordship of Christ? Should there be a limit to how much or how long we can endure?

The irony here is that Christians residing in Islamic strongholds or religious flashpoints tend to be more fervent and devoted, as they are constantly purged and prepared by persecution.

It is this singular fact that excites me the most. Apostle Paul’s recalls their experience in this comment, “We felt like we’d been sent to death row, that it was all over for us. As it turned out, it was the best thing that could have happened. Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get out of it, we were forced to trust God totally–not a bad idea since he’s the God who raises the dead! ” 2Cor 1:9 The Message

Living for Christ’s fame and glory amongst radical Moslems or peoples of other faith is like waiting on death row.  Our faith in God is sharpened in such a challenging environment if we wait long enough for Him to turn things around. Could this be what God is working at?

Author: Uche Izuora

I'm inspired by God’s passion for His name in every generation, which provokes global worship through Jesus Christ. Becoming an emotionally healthy and transformative disciple, I aim to mobilize the Church to engage in cross-cultural missions and raise other like-minded disciples who discover themselves in Christ and seek to present and represent Him as Savior and Lord among the nations northward of Uganda.

4 thoughts on “The Moslem that Christians prefer”

  1.             Our life is not our own. Thanks for your consistent testimony that goes beyond many times our understanding. May the Holy Spirit guide you into the hiways and biways.  Greetings from like 10 below in Minnesota! BRRRRRRRRRRRRR                                                       


  2.             Welcome to Jos, Uche. Glad you chose to come at this time. We remain irrevocably committed to the supremacy of Christ in this hostile environment. The safest place on earth is the the centre of God's will for your life. That is why we are thriving here - rule thou in the midst of your enemy, the Lord had said to my Lord. And that applies our living in this very beautiful land.


  3.             To say we in America know little of these things is not totally correct in my own opinion and experience. Once you give a tract to an American or want to raise discussion that bothers on the gospel, they become hostile to you, no matter how friendly you are with them. IT is only when the person youre trying to raise a discussion with is soft on Christianity. These are the days for really standing up to what we believe and not the bread and butter; bless me Lord Christianity we're all used to.

    Thank you Uche for gingering us all up.


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