My seven locks plus one

As I packed for my trip back to South Sudan (leaving home Saturday 27th Sept), I reflected a bit on  My Seven Locks, and noticed there’s a new member among the bundle. Even Samson will be jealous now, I assumed myself. An eight lock that’s suddenly grown longer and thicker than the rest is here.

Leaving home has always been tough for me. I don’t like travelling. But how do I handle the gap my absence from home creates? Questions likes, “Daddy, when are you coming home?” And “Daddy, are you travelling again?” have become increasingly tough to answer.

Ed, our son is heading to boarding school for senior secondary in a few days, he’ll have his mind fully occupied there. But Othniel is maturing quick, and needing my fatherly presence more. Without his brother near, it will be tough. This is the new lock I’ve grown that’s pretty knotty.

The reverse is as bad- leaving the nestlings in Yei to return home after 2-3 months. It’s hard to express the tear within, in any language.

So, with the first being the utmost, I’ve listed seven plus one pertinent concerns that stir my soul as I embark on this mission trip to South Sudan. Please join me to pray for:

1)             My Family: In the midst of many unanswered questions. Please pray for us, that we’d not settle for a peace that comes from understanding… but to take what Jesus gives and sustains- PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL KNOWLEDGE. May our disposition to life issues showcase a vibrant faith. Pray that the peace, protection , provision and power of God will abound towards us from day to day. Pray that the grace of our Lord Jesus will flourish with and through us in its fullness. May the presence of the Lord endure, as our communication is bettered day-by-day.

2)             Patience: My passion for God’s fame in South Sudan consumes me. The vision of the Kingdom of Jesus we bear, thrives among the youth and students. On account of our pursuits, I loathe contrary dispositions. I tend to beat myself up when I feel I’m under-achieving. I’ve also seen that this struggle with impatience creates an unhealthy judgmental spirit that is counterproductive, every time it overflows to others. Please pray for a calmness of spirit that’ll be gracious to others and tolerate the weakness of team members; while withstanding internal pressures. Lord, help me, especially when I’m getting tired of WAITING FOR You to show up.

3)             Effective Discipleship Strategies: This is one of my greatest challenges currently. We continue to seek and try what will work best, given the unstable nature of our ministry in South Sudan. We hope to make our home there soon. It seems our case is uniquely ours, as we go and come, plotting new paths among these youths. Pray for me that the Holy Spirit will lead me into the most productive ways of discipling the vast number of youngsters in the schools and the churches with the opportunities we have. 

4)             Love and Purity: These are two potent weapons along this narrow path, especially in a virgin and volatile mission field like this. It’s not easy to love people who don’t trust you or who hate you. Please pray for me, that God’s unconditional love and an unrelenting disposition to difficult issues and negative people, will flood my spirit and overflow daily. Lord help me to serve joyfully. You love cheerful givers, please count me as one so that my offering will be pure.

5)             Peace in South Sudan: After nine years of doing ministry here, one would assume I have mastery of this land. No! We are no way near our dreams. The nation is currently at war and no man masters chaos when the sounds of death are within range. So, scriptures enjoins us to, … make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people, for rulers, and for everyone who has authority over us. Pray for these people so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life always lived in a godly and reverent way. This is good and pleases God our Savior.” (1 Tim 2:1-2) Oh may peace reign within South Sudan and around its borders. May the gospel take advantage of the present situation and pierce the darkness in a way that only be divine. In Jesus name!  AMEN!

6)            Wisdom and Grace: Time management and people management are great leadership skills in ministry. Those who have their mastery are more productive and subsequently reach their utmost with greater ease. Please pray for me to learn how to better deploy my resources, maximize my time and direct energy for the benefit of all within my network. Lord grace me to do things you love that I struggle to like. Move me out of my comforts.

7)             Team spirit: My introverted nature often lures me toward working solo. It’s a deadly trap that steal grace and giftings from even the best causes. Pray that my temperament will be tampered by the Lord for fruitfulness. Pray that an enduring team of good hearts and able hands will come to my rescue speedily. Oh build us a team Lord!

8)             Favor: Real favor is the blessedness of being singled out and served first, when what’s offered is scarce. The ministry base and home of our dreams in South Sudan seems impracticable, presently. ONLY God can do this thing! Please pray that an uncommon favor that’s God’s to grant, be ours as we search for that permanent site and those people of faith who’ll serve alongside us.

Just in case you have more time to connect with us in prayer, please send me a private message and I’ll shoot you more prayer requests. We have many under-growths on our scalp needing attention.

In all these Lord, may Your grip be firmer and Your grace, surer.

Author: Uche Izuora

I'm inspired by God’s passion for His name in every generation, which provokes global worship through Jesus Christ. Becoming an emotionally healthy and transformative disciple, I aim to mobilize the Church to engage in cross-cultural missions and raise other like-minded disciples who discover themselves in Christ and seek to present and represent Him as Savior and Lord among the nations northward of Uganda.

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