Dreaming with the dreamers


It’s a joy and a privileged to hang out often with people whose passion for Jesus is infectious enough to force positive changes. I see in these people a hope that’s healthy and assuring. I see in them, the fulfillment of great dreams that have crystallized into kingdom visions. I see dreamers daring to live and die for something worthy of their Master, Jesus Christ.

Sight is more of what lies bare before us; Vision is what we see lying ahead with the eyes of the spirit but what about dreams? Dreams seem to thrive in the shadows of our hopes and depending on their scope, may only be harnessed by faith when they move from mere ideas to burning irresistible expectations that cannot be achieved without God’s involvement.

What stirs your passion or makes you cry? This question if answered sincerely, could lead you into the crevices of your dream world, that place where you are most alive.

Without sight, our imaginative skills may be sharpened as our sense of smell, touch; earring and taste could be boosted significantly. But without the ability to dream and dream big, chances are that we’ll eventually lie at our death bed wondering what could have been, had we done this or that. Many are stuck at this dreadful spot now, mulling over a past that could have been different if they obeyed that inner voice.

Seth Barnes and a team of dreamers just launched another ministry- Kingdom Dreams. They insist that, “We’re dreamers. Just like Edison and Einstein. Just like Madame Curie and MLK. Just like you. We’re frustrated and inspired. We dream of making the world a better place, of transforming culture. All because of a beating in our hearts that says, “There’s more.” We’re compelled to act. To not only dream, but to bring dreams to life...”

A vision is a preferred future, more like the ultimate goal of a dream. It demands change and sometimes, radical ones. It calls for movement, which could be in any direction from top to bottom or bottom up, depending on Abba’s purpose as He plots every step with care and love. Either way, great dreams like vision requires someone to champion that desired cause. In every generation, God waits for that one man or woman, whose deliberate act of faith will make the invisible God not only visible but also tangible.

Most of us live our whole lives without having an adventure to call our own. What is life without the pursuit of a dream, when there’s One who can outdo our wildest imaginations? Ephesians 3:20

Mubarak returned to his people in the Nuba Mts. after receiving Jesus as Savior. He had a dream. Now, Kuku in the clip below is nursing great dreams for Kingdom exploits amongst his vastly Muslim people also in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. His is a journey of tenacious determination and sacrifice, fueled by a lively faith. There are many others like him, seeking direction and clarity of their call. It’s because of youngsters like these that my Kingdom dreams for Sudan will outlive me. Why not join me!

Author: Uche Izuora

I'm inspired by God’s passion for His name in every generation, which provokes global worship through Jesus Christ. Becoming an emotionally healthy and transformative disciple, I aim to mobilize the Church to engage in cross-cultural missions and raise other like-minded disciples who discover themselves in Christ and seek to present and represent Him as Savior and Lord among the nations northward of Uganda.

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